‘We have been buried with Christ when we were baptised; by baptism too, we have been raised up with him.’ (Col2: 12)
Even before the birth of a child it is important to start planning for Baptism as after the birth there is so much to be done and things can become chaotic. Baptism marks the beginning of a life long journey of faith. For parents this means preparing themselves that they might more ably lead and assist their child on this journey.
To help parents and godparents participate more fully in the celebration of the Sacrament, and to help them deepen their understanding of the commitment they are making on behalf of their child, they are asked to attend a short Baptism Preparation Programme. The Preparation Programme usually takes place on the last Thursday of each month in the annex of St Joseph’s Church commencing at 7.30pm.The Sacrament of Baptism is normally administered on the first and last Saturday of each month at 11.00am in St Joseph’s Church. Parents and God parents are asked to be seated by 10.50am so that the ceremony may begin at 11.00am
For the Baptism there should be two godparents, one male and one female, of at least 16 years of age.
One of which must be practicing the Catholic faith.
Preparation before Baptism Checklist
- Contact Parish Office for notification of baptism (contact the Parish Office)
- Complete Baptism Registration Form (form available from the Parish Office)
- Obtain Baptism date from Parish Office (usually four to six weeks notice)
- Parish Office has baby’s long birth Certificate for copying and verification
- Two godparents have been chosen and confirmed acceptance of role
- Notification to family of celebration
- Parents and Godparents have attended Baptism Programme.