Celebrating World Day for Catholic Grandparents and The Elderly

Join us for tea, coffee and cake in the Courtyard of Mater Dei Church after 10.45am Mass on Sunday 28 July 2024 in celebration of World Day for Grandparents’ and the Elderly.

Parish Draw 2024 Week 10

Our local resident and neighbour Patsy Nelson popped into the office this week and picked the winning numbers for week 10 of the Parish Draw. The winners were Mary Nelson £500, T & P McCloskey £100, and Desmond McCann £50. Congratulations to our winners!

Polish War Veteran Major Florian Perepeczko 1903 – 1990

On Saturday 15 June 2024 Mass took place in St Joseph’s Church Glenavy at 11.30am to commemorate and celebrate a war hero buried in St Joseph’s graveyard, Major Florian Perepeczko followed by unveiling of a headstone to mark his final resting place. Major Florian Perepeczko was born in 1903 in Krasnodar, Russia.  He served as […]

Baptism Celebration Ceremony 8 June 2024

The Feast of Saint John the Baptist was on Monday 24 June 2024 and to recognise this Feast Day all the families and the Godparents of the 86 babies baptised in our Parish in 2023 were invited to a Baptism Celebration ceremony.  The ceremony was to remind us of all the gifts we receive in […]

Lay Led Funeral Ministry.

We congratulate three of our parishioners who, having completed their training and formation, were commissioned by Bishop Alan Mc Guckian at a Diocesan ceremony on Thursday 25 April as Lay Funeral Ministers to assist Canon Mc Bride. Their role will be to assist in caring and consoling the bereaved and accompanying them in funeral prayers […]

Easter Egg Hunt 31 March 2024

After Mass on Easter Sunday the children who attended Mater Dei and St Jospeh’s churches enjoyed some fun accompanied by their parents, a big chicken, and of course the Easter Bunny, searching for Easter eggs in the grounds of both churches. Thank you to our organisers and all the families who participated.

Grand Easter Parish Draw 2023 – 2024

The winning numbers for the Easter Draw were selected by Brian Falloon of Ballytromery Road, a long-standing member of our Parish Community. While at the Parish office Brian kindly agreed to draw the winning numbers. The winners selected were £1,000 Patrick & Patricia Mulholland (Glenavy), £500 Mark Hickland (Ballinderry Upper), £100 Deirdre McCloskey (Glenavy) and […]

Parish Draw 2023 Week 45

Parish Draw Week 45 The oldest member of our Parish Draw, Ethel O’Neill selected the £500 winner of Week 45 of the Parish Draw while we were visiting her on her birthday. The winners were Trea Clenaghan, Upper Ballinderry, £500, Helen McCusker, Glenavy £100 and Kathleen Loney, Crumlin £50. Thank you once again Ethel, still […]

Queen for the Day

Ethel O’Neill (nee Brankin), the oldest parishioner of this Parish reached the amazing milestone birthday of 100 years on 8 March 2024. The year that Ethel was born, Ramsey McDonald became the first ever Labour Prime Minister, Edgar Hoover was appointed Head of FBI, Lenin died, and Stalin became his successor as the leader of […]

Parish Draw 2023 Week 40

We visited Tony Angelone and his daughter Jen who are parishioners of this Parish at Tony’s business. Tony selected the numbers for week 40 of the Parish Draw, and the winners were Kieran O’Neill £500 (Crumlin), £100 Ethel O’Neill (Glenavy) and £50 Pat Horner (Ballinderry Upper), Congratulations to our winners. Angelone Chemicals is a family […]