First Holy Communion Programme

  In, 2016, the parish based First Holy Communion preparation programme, ‘Do This in Memory’ was introduced for children in both our Primary Schools.This has been a very successful programme used throughout Ireland these past ten years and children really enjoy it. On one Sunday each month the children and their parents receive a special invitation to […]

Blessing Of The Boats

On 3rd July 2016 the annual blessing of boats took place at Sandy Bay Marina. A number of the eel fishermen based along the parish’s lough shore and owners of pleasure craft tied up  while Fr Chris and Fr Colm ministered the blessing.

Autumn Draw 2016 Results

The Luckiest Man in the Parish Dolway McCorry receives his cheque for £1000 from Denise Crossey. Dolway was the lucky winner of the first £1000 prize in the Parish Draw. Two more £1000 prizes to come later in the Draw. If you are interested in joining the Parish Draw please check the Parish Draw page.